A big Day in Grade 5 A’s Life Today

Posted by shamsahdhanani on 2 March, 2016 in Sin categoría |

DSC01925Today was the moment when Grade 5Aproved itself to be wonderful researchers, inquirers,thinkers and actors at the same time. Following was the Formative Assessment task:

Formative Assessment Task: You are invited as an author/novelist (choose the era) to speak to the students. You will be dressed-up as the author you choose and would depict the style/aura accordingly. You would share the following:
1. What inspired you to become an author/novelist?
2. Which era you belong too and what are the popular customs of that particular era?
3. What type of books you have written and why?
4. How has your literary work help the society socially and morally?
5. What message will you give to the students (your audience)?
All the students collected required data and enough facts to present while meeting the criteria of the task. The presenters  very confident, clear and maintained eye-contact with the audience. Everybody was fully in the character and aroused interest of the audience
The presenters confidently answered all the questions and accepted the critique positively. Some were out of the world and used a lot of dramatic skills to portray themselves as real authors. Bravo Grade 5A!!! Proud of you


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