About shamsahdhanani

Posts by shamsahdhanani:


Graduation of 5A & 5B 2016

Posted by shamsahdhanani on 23 June, 2016 in Sin categoría |

Today was the biggest event in our students’ and our lives. After a rigourous academic year with fun, laughter and pressure each and every child graduated with pride and left a mark forever.DSC00557 DSC00558 DSC00559 DSC00560 DSC00561 DSC00562 DSC00563 DSC00564 DSC00565 DSC00567 DSC00568 DSC00569 DSC00570 DSC00571 DSC00572 DSC00573 DSC00574 DSC00575 DSC00576 DSC00577 DSC00578 DSC00579


Successful Student Led Conference

Posted by shamsahdhanani on 6 June, 2016 in Sin categoría |

The month of May was very happening. The exhibition was followed by a successful student led conference when parents got opportunity to exchange ideas with their children and go through their portfolios which comprise of the work(s) which students are proud of. Each parent got approximately 15 minutes to  discuss the whole year’s progress with […]


Day #2 Evening- Parents added to our students’ confidence and pride by their presence and appreciation

Posted by shamsahdhanani on 11 May, 2016 in Sin categoría |

All well that ends well! It was indeed a lasting impression that our Grade 5 students left on on SEK Learning community. The parents of all Grade 5 students witnessed their stage performance and visited their respective stations. Parents were found over-whelmed with emotions when they saw their children as confident inquirers and great communicators. […]


The PYP Exhibition Day 2 Morning (10-05-16)

Posted by shamsahdhanani on 10 May, 2016 in Sin categoría |

Day 2 of the exhibition carried the same level of enthusiasm. Our Grades 3 & 4 proved themselves to be a great audience and learned new concepts from Grade 5 students.


The PYP EXHIBITION 2016 – DAY 1(09-05-16)

Posted by shamsahdhanani on 10 May, 2016 in Sin categoría |

It was indeed a dream come true for our Grade 5 students who proudly unveiled their entire learning with other IB-PYP schools in town through their themed scripts, song, poems and dances. Followed by the stage performance; the students exchanged their views/ideas/learning on the local and international burning issues of life on their respective stations […]


Grade 5 had a Stress-buster break

Posted by shamsahdhanani on 5 May, 2016 in Sin categoría |

After weeks of tireless work; Grade 5 had an opportunity to refresh themselves today with learning in a new environment at the school gym with Grade 4’s. The concepts of budgeting, spending wisely and saving were inculcated among students through various practical games where students had to budget and think twice to spend their money. […]


BOOK WEEK 2016!!!

Posted by shamsahdhanani on 21 April, 2016 in Sin categoría |

This week brought more excitement for students as they got many opportunities to show their love for books. The week started with a Mystery Reader in the classroom. A parent volunteered and read a book in her own Italian language but students could infer easily. Followed by it; we watched few trailers of the movie […]


Be Happy and Make Others Happy

Posted by shamsahdhanani on 17 April, 2016 in Sin categoría |

Yes!!!! This was the motto of Grade 5 today during their assembly presentation. All the students cheerfully shared what they had learnt and achieved during their recent past unit on ‘Literature’. They expressed joy while showcasing their own created Newspapers full of different writing pieces in relation to their inquiry into different genres and literary […]


A very Happening Month So far for Grade 5

Posted by shamsahdhanani on 16 April, 2016 in Sin categoría |

Since students have come back from the half-term break; they have been engaged in number of learning experiences including a trip to Qatar Academy to view their PYP Exhibition, a wonderful talk with Mark Prensky on Students’ Passions, writing play scripts and acting out the same etc. Students have been on a rigorous ride to […]


A big Day in Grade 5 A’s Life Today

Posted by shamsahdhanani on 2 March, 2016 in Sin categoría |

Today was the moment when Grade 5Aproved itself to be wonderful researchers, inquirers,thinkers and actors at the same time. Following was the Formative Assessment task: Formative Assessment Task: You are invited as an author/novelist (choose the era) to speak to the students. You will be dressed-up as the author you choose and would depict the […]

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