Wind in the Willows

Posted by on 15 April, 2018 @ 10:15
in Sin categoría |

Our exploration of classic literature began last week and has been truly eye opening. The language that Kenneth Grahame uses in the text of The Wind in the Willows is marvelously challenging and both classes agree that it is a new way of using language that many of us had not seen before. We have used a visible thinking strategy called C.S.I to learn more about the text. We chose a colour we thought suited the passages from the text that we listened to. We also carried out a Role on the Wall drama activity where we had to think of adjectives to describe the main characters we had met. This week, we are designing and creating a book cover as well as writing a newspaper article and creating a wanted poster to name a few of the exciting learning tasks we will take on. We are also luck enough to get to watch parts of a movie adaptation from 2006. Ask us about our new learning this week and we will be happy to share it with you. 


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